Climate change is real; it’s a global problem, with impact that is felt locally. Sedona and the Verde Valley are already experiencing the effects of climate change (increased flooding, more frequent and severe wildfires, and rising temperatures that strain water resources and bring on drought). As global greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, these changes will increase over time and continue to threaten our safety, natural resources, and economy. The City must implement tactics to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030.

If you care about Sedona and the Verde Valley, please provide input to Sedona’s Climate Action Plan that is up for review in May by the City Council. The City has opened the door for input (though April 12th) to the Plan through this link, where you can click on the Go To Strategies and Actions button and even share comments with others:

In a nutshell, if climate change isn’t addressed now, this is how climate change dynamics will impact our community:

  • Rising temperatures: increased summer heat waves, wildfires, drought
  • Extreme heat: possible increase in number of days/year with temps above 100°F (from 8/year now to 75/year by 2100)
  • Larger, faster spreading fires: possible 25% increase in wildfire frequency will lead to poor air quality
  • Heavier, more frequent storms: increased flooding and high wind events
  • Poor air quality, extreme heat, dust storms: increased adverse health impacts
  • Changing streamflows: rising summer temps and increased seasonal demands will strain water availability
  • Excessive heat, reduced water resources, increase in wildfires: possible negative effect on commonly grown crops
  • Extreme heat, wildfires, smoke: possible reduction in tourism during Spring, Summer, and Fall due to limited recreational opportunities
  • Warmer temps: increased risk of vector-borne disease (e.g., West Nile virus) with changes in the environment

Please share the link above with others in the area who will become affected by climate change as we move through this decade and beyond.